Oáza klidu a krásy v Plzni

Tradice a moderní trendy v péči o krásu.

Péče o vlasy

Stříhání, barvení a prodloužení vlasů.

Manikúra, pedikúra a gel lak pro vás.

Relaxace a regenerace pro vaše tělo.

Herbální Masáže
Kosmetické služby pro vaši pleť.

Oáza klidu a krásy

Vítejte v Kim Loi Spa, kde se tradice snoubí s moderními trendy. Nabízíme širokou škálu služeb pro vaši krásu a pohodu.

Naše služby

Péče o vlasy, nehty, masáže a kosmetika pro vaši krásu a relaxaci.

Péče o vlasy

Stříhání, barvení, keratin a prodloužení vlasů pro dokonalý vzhled.

Nehtová péče

Manikúra, pedikúra a gel lak pro krásné a zdravé nehty.

Herbální Masáže

Relaxace, regenerační a unikátní vietnamská bylinná masáž pro vaši pohodu.


Naše kosmetické služby jsou ideální volbou pro každou událost, kde chcete vypadat skvěle a cítit se sebevědomě.

Naše služby

Objevte krásu a relaxaci v našem salonu Kim Loi Spa.

A round sign for a hair salon and beauty spa is mounted on the side of a building. The sign features elegant script text and a small heart design above the word 'Hi'. In the background, a building with illuminated windows is visible along with some trees on the right.
A round sign for a hair salon and beauty spa is mounted on the side of a building. The sign features elegant script text and a small heart design above the word 'Hi'. In the background, a building with illuminated windows is visible along with some trees on the right.
A modern hair salon interior with styling chairs, hair drying equipment, and large posters featuring hairstyles on the walls. There are potted plants adding a touch of greenery to the sleek and clean design. The room is well-lit with natural light coming through the windows and artificial ceiling lights.
A modern hair salon interior with styling chairs, hair drying equipment, and large posters featuring hairstyles on the walls. There are potted plants adding a touch of greenery to the sleek and clean design. The room is well-lit with natural light coming through the windows and artificial ceiling lights.
A dimly lit salon with multiple styling chairs positioned along a mirrored wall. The space features exposed wooden beams on the ceiling. A piece of modern artwork hangs on a white brick wall opposite a row of chairs. Vanity mirrors with bright lights are visible on the right, reflecting the furniture and adding a contrast of light.
A dimly lit salon with multiple styling chairs positioned along a mirrored wall. The space features exposed wooden beams on the ceiling. A piece of modern artwork hangs on a white brick wall opposite a row of chairs. Vanity mirrors with bright lights are visible on the right, reflecting the furniture and adding a contrast of light.
A hair salon interior seen through a glass door with welcoming signs in multiple languages. The reflection includes barber chairs, hair products, a wall clock, and decorative signage. Various posters and products are displayed on the walls.
A hair salon interior seen through a glass door with welcoming signs in multiple languages. The reflection includes barber chairs, hair products, a wall clock, and decorative signage. Various posters and products are displayed on the walls.